Publications on metapattern

What follows is a selection.

A general flavor provides Metapattern, a concise introduction to principles. See also the back cover copy for Metapattern: context and time in information models (Addison-Wesley, 2001).

How KnitbITs and metapattern are related is explained in Innovation dynamics across theory, technology and tool.

Metapattern Primer contains a synopsis of the visual language. In over 300 pages with nearly 200 figures, Metapattern: context and time in information models (Pieter Wisse, Addison-Wesley, 2001) both formally outlines the theory of multiple context and time, and provides a host of practical modeling examples. Drawn from the book's opening four chapters, The pattern of metapattern focuses on the modeling formalism. Metapattern as context orientation provides a comparison to traditional object orientation, demonstrating fundamental advantages.

Another, more general, introduction is Metapattern: information modeling as enneadic dynamics. The original exposition of context orientation, replacing traditional object orientation, is Multicontextual paradigm for object orientation: a development of information modeling toward fifth behavioral form.

View sample conceptual information models.

Some tongue-in-cheek marketing hype might be informative, too.