Technological frontier

Information Dynamics continues to innovate KnitbITs as the tool for metapattern-based information management. The goal is to remove constraints and offer additional degrees of freedom. KnitbITs is web services-enabled, featuring standards such as XML and Soap. Distribution without conceptual duplication of information is feasible across domains (also read: beyond organizations and/or processes).

'Killer' infrastructure

Metapattern-based conceptual information models support integration, cost-effectiveness, etcetera of information services across traditional semantic boundaries. Certified personal information management should also be integrated with interfaces for a.o. public key infrastructure included. As both governments and the private sector are beginning to recognize, digital identification support is a key feature of a trans- and interactional infrastructure in the widest infrastructural sense imaginable. Personal identity should clearly be optimally reusable, i.e. applied in whatever context through reference, only. With metapattern, all concepts are ordered for flexibility. For an example of a model with infrastructural scope, see Open system of systems' semantics, practice pattern: beyond central registers etc.

Agent technology

Agents may be embedded in KnitbITs' information sets. The behavioral precision that unambiguous control of contexts and time allows is equally valid for any contextual agent.

Book display

Metapattern: context and time in information models is on display at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, where you can also order it.

Radical reuse

Legacy suggests an outdated approach to information services. It's still here, though. The obstacle is largely conceptual. Most organizations unwittingly still commit themselves to ever more legacy systems, ever newer technology notwithstanding, because they are stuck with a paradigm of complete self-suffiency. As a result information duplication continues to rule. Improvements of orders of magnitude are only realistic when the strategic shift is acknowledged toward a paradigm of information as utility resource. Managing the umptieth version of non-proprietary information doesn't really strengthen an organization, now does it? It can only weaken efforts for competitive advantage, product and/or service excellence, etcetera. Metapattern is the paradigm of radical reuse.

Aspect vs. object orientation

Aspect orientation aims to overcome some of object orientation's limitations. Not surprisingly, it runs into limitations of its own. Metapattern/KnitbITs goes beyond both object and aspect orientation because whatever contextual object (or, aspect) may always be invoked laterally. The general concept is behavior. It should be decomposed to the point where the traditional concepts of aspect and object are unambiguous as behavioral components.