Information Dynamics


Pieter Wisse Martijn Houtman
Pieter Wisse, PhD
Martijn Houtman, PhD
chief developer


Our mission is to support clients designing their information strategy.

Information Dynamics was founded, in 1986, on the maxim that nothing is operationally more valuable than strategy. It especially holds for benefitting from opportunities with complex information systems and services. Information Dynamics secures a focus on integration, covering the entire range from stakeholders through organization to technology.

Our clients in both the private and public sector require strategic consultancy at the leading edge. Information Dynamics, a privately owned company, therefore consistingly maintains a long-term orientation through an emphasis on research & development.

Major results from Information Dynamics' R&D efforts are the metapattern and KnitbITs®. Now an innovative service also available to our clients, Information Dynamics augments strategic consultancy with prototype development with KnitbITs.

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