Semiosis & Sign Exchange

design for a subjective situationism, including conceptual grounds of business information modeling

Pieter Wisse





This treatise started as a dissertation. I owe it to Rik Maes, Professor of Information Management at the University of Amsterdam, that I completed it as a dissertation, too.

With an open mind, sense of humor and lightning (re)action speed Rik Maes genuinely welcomes conceptual innovation. I am grateful for his personal, scientific and procedural support. He has dealt gracefully with my work, offering thoughtful suggestions for improvement. He acknowledges the value of an increasingly general coverage of conceptual grounds. Then, a wider orientation naturally (also) benefits the special case of business information modeling. I greatly appreciate the opportunity for making contributions to the design and clarification of a system of fundamental concepts through the integrated research program PrimaVera under the directorship of Rik Maes.

At a crucial stage Professor J. van der Gaag, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics (to which the Department of Information Management belongs) helped create the conditions favorable for me to continue my dissertation work with Rik Maes at the University of Amsterdam.

I also extend my special gratitude to all members of the dissertation committee. They have invested valuable attention and time in evaluating this treatise.

And friends have helped. I first of all mention Jan van Heijst. Over the years I have often been urged to take up a dissertation. But he actually did something. His first introduction got me started, his second kept me going.

My friend Hans Möller has been there, again. He has read drafts. He provided company when breaking conceptual ground made me all the more aware of the essential loneliness of thinking in a different ‘metapattern.’ He thought along, and really helped.

Bas Brussaard stimulated my philosophical interest when, mid 1970s, I studied his program in information management at the Delft University of Technology. Now a Professor Emeritus and also retired as the highest-ranked official for information management policy with the government of the Netherlands, he has scrutinized the finished manuscript of this treatise from his extraordinary range of theoretical annex practical knowledge and experience. During our subsequent discussions my arguments usually held up against his analytically strict but always honest and personally respectful analysis. I feel encouraged to continue working on, and from, subjective situationism as an axiomatic system. So, I am once again grateful to Bas Brussaard.

As with several of my earlier publications, Jan Erik Fokke undertook his enthusiastic, professional effort for the book's graphic appearance.

Renate understands my interest in fundamental design. There are many reasons I am happy this treatise is finished, though. One reflects an enduring interest which is sharing more situations of our lives.



2002, web edition 2005 © Pieter Wisse



table of contents.