Semiosis & Sign Exchange

design for a subjective situationism, including conceptual grounds of business information modeling


cover text

With information services pervading society, individuals require productive grounds to deal responsibly with design problems of ever-increasing complexity and variety. The conceptual grounds developed in this treatise are primarily intended for application at business information modeling. They may also be profitably applied along a wider range. For subjective situationism essentially is a general theory about how individual behaviors act in communicative relationships. The synthesis explaining variety is not a paradox. It offers a consistent perspective on multiplicity, necessarily resulting from a multidisciplinary approach. Elements from separate traditions are merged, especially the semiotic pragmatism of Charles S. Peirce and the world-as-will-and-interpretation of Arthur Schopenhauer.

“I don’t have grandchildren yet. Suppose I do and they grow up. Then Semiosis & Sign Exchange is the one book from me I hope they and their friends will someday read. It just might help them understand, and empathically create, a world that surely is even far more complex than I can imagine today."

You can contact Pieter Wisse at See page 467, inside [the book], for more information about the author.



© 2002, web edition 2002.
Also published in: Semiosis & Sign Exchange (Information Dynamics, 2002).

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